
There are a number of common causes of dizziness. Identifying the possible causes of dizziness is an important part of finding the right treatment. Dizziness can be related to several things, including:
Drop in Blood Pressure
A sudden drop in blood pressure is often experienced when changing position (e.g., standing up from a chair). To minimise the risk:
- Change position slowly.
- Move your arms and legs around before getting up.
- Sit back down if you feel dizzy and wait until it passes.
- Stand still or walk on the spot when you first get up, avoiding sudden movements.
Not drinking enough fluid can contribute to dizziness. To stay well hydrated:
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day (aim for 6-8 cups).
- Sip water regularly.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol consumption, as they can lead to dehydration.
Inner Ear Disorders and Vertigo
If you experience a sensation that the world is moving or spinning, or if dizziness is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, visual changes, or hearing disturbances, it may be a sign of inner ear issues. Consider the following steps:
- Contact your GP surgery for further advice and assessment.
- Make sure you have had a recent hearing test.
Dizziness can be a side effect of some medications, especially those you take for high blood pressure. If you experience dizziness while taking medication consult your GP or a community pharmacist for potential adjustments to your medication prescription.
Underlying Medical Conditions (e.g., Diabetes, COPD)
Certain medical conditions may increase the likelihood of dizziness.
- Make sure that any medical conditions are it is well-managed through regular check-ups.
- If you think your medical condition may be causing dizziness, consult your GP or a health professional.
- Mention to your health professional if you have had one or more falls.
Stress and anxiety can contribute to dizziness. To ease symptoms:
- Try relaxation techniques like mindfulness or deep breathing exercises.
- If symptoms persist or are severe, discuss them with your GP for further guidance.
Links and Resources
To find out more about dizziness, explore the following resources or develop your personal action plan: